Wednesday, 29 April 2009

Bright and White

Over the past week there has been lots of activity and now the shop and gallery is looking very white!

We had been hoping to open at the start of May but now its looking more like mid May, which is a shame, but we are waiting on flooring and other bits and pieces to be completed so an earlier opening time just isn't possible.
Deliveries of stock have been arriving amongst the many boxes are lovely notebooks from PumpkinSputnik, prints and purses from Jane Foster and Brooches from Applique.....

Saturday, 18 April 2009

Mogg It Blog

Totally un-gallery related but a very amusing read, go check it out:

Wednesday, 15 April 2009

Work in Progress

Heres some pics of the "Work in Progress" that is the gallery shop!!,its hard to imagine how it will all come together in a couple of weeks.


Gallery Space


The workshop is now minus the dodgy carpet and all painted white... big improvement. The Gallery space is coming together and the downstairs has had at least some of the not very attractive woodchip removed, still a long way to go....

Painted workshop

More excitingly stock has started to arrive already which is great, I'll start to post some pics and info about the artists and designers shortly once I've had a chance to unpack it and take some pics, but in the meantime I'l leave you to imagine what these spaces will finish up looking like!


Saturday, 4 April 2009


Hello and welcome to the North Rock Gallery Blog. We are Mark and Suzanne and we'll both be blogging here with news from the gallery.
North Rock Gallery is not yet open but it will be shortly, its located in Lerwick in the Shetland Isles, which are group of islands off the north coast of Scotland.
At the moment the gallery is a bit of a building site, with paper half stripped off, bare floor boards and half made cupboards, BUT we'll be working on it lots over the next month or so and hope to keep you up to date with our redecoration and preperations for opening.
Once we are open we'll be telling you about the artists we have exhibiting and the stock we have in the shop as well as a bit of general news about the day to day activities in the shop.